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Panariti EN

Panariti can be found going uphill from the village of Manna (or Markasi, according to its old name), on the slopes of Ziria.

It is a place that has a history and tradition that starts many years back, something that we know from the census of 1700, where Panariti is already listed as a village of mountainous Corinthia. In fact, in 1814 it is also mentioned by François Pouqueville, the philhellene doctor, diplomat and traveler.


Panariti – How does the place name come about?

According to Socrates Liakos, the etymology of the name of the village "Panariti" means a place with water and goes back to the Celtic, French and ancient Greek languages. Bibliographic sources, on the other hand, mention that Panariti comes from the word "panaretos" attributed to a person, who is characterized for his virtue. It is a place name that is also found in central Albania, 22 km east and 23 km north of Tepelene, respectively. However, when a French research expedition conducted a search of these two villages in 1913 it found that all the inhabitants of these villages were not of Albanian, but of Greek origin.


Panariti and the connection with the Greek Northern Epirus

The connection between the villages and their inhabitants exists and has a simple explanation. The Turks transported Northern Epirus Greeks to mountainous Corinthia, when we were still under the Turkish yoke. The inhabitants, therefore, to honor their place of origin, gave the same name to the new place.

Finally, we know that in 1537-1540 among the Albanian tribes that fought on the side of the Venetians against the Turks, in Nafplion, was The Panariti Faction.


Churches of the village – With the "aroma" of Ancient Greece

The patron saint of the village is St. John the Theologian, who is celebrated on May 8. There is the old church of the saint in the cemetery of the village that was built around 1800. The new church of St. John the Theologian in the center of the village was built in 1987.

There are also the chapels, "Agia Kyriaki" a very old chapel that was renovated in 1958 by Loukas Mourikis, the "Prophet Elias", the "Agia Paraskevi" and the ancient church of "Panagia" (Klisiboukoura) which is built on the ruins of the church of Artemis.
Inside the village is the church of St. Theodore.


Raisins – the special product of the village

The raisin factory of Panariti does not operate nowadays. However, it was a packing house that mesmerized before the war, even receiving national distinctions. It was created in 1930 in collaboration with the agricultural cooperative of the village and a certain citizen from Zarouchla, who with a monetary donation, helped in the implementation of the project.

Therefore, the factory may not remind anything of the old glories of the agricultural production of the village, but the same does not apply for the raisins. The village continues to be famous for its excellent quality, while it also has other crops such as apples, pears and olives.

Ξυλόκαστρο, Παναρίτι