We Are What We Produce – Virtuosos in Taste
We Are What We Produce – Call us Virtuosos in Taste

Corinthian Raisins
Welcome to the world of "black gold," where the production of Corinthian raisins remains a cherished tradition and a cornerstone of our agricultural heritage. Our region has witnessed prosperous periods in raisin production, particularly around 1880 when a devastating outbreak of "phylloxera" plagued French vineyards. This crisis led the French to turn to the European market for sourcing the essential corps, essential to produce their champagnes.
During that time, trade flourished in our region, giving rise to the emergence of a thriving middle class in our local communities. Notably, in the village of Panariti, there was a renowned raisin factory that operated until the 1930s and received prestigious awards.
Today, Corinthian raisins remain one of our strongest trademarks and stand as one of our most robust agricultural assets. Curious about the villages where Corinthian raisins are cultivated? We’ll enlighten you right away! You'll find raisin cultivation in the following villages: Rethi, Dendro, Vrysoules, Xanthochori, Trikala, Kallithea's upper district (Ano Kallithea), Korphiotissa, Stylia, Pyrgos, Sofiana, Pellini, and Riza.

Juicy, aromatic, and delicious like no others, the apples you'll find in our region are some of the tastiest you've ever tried. No joke! The scepter is held by Manna of Corinthia, the beautiful village that produces and exports apples in large quantities every year. Not even Snow White or the Seven Dwarfs could ever resist such apples!
Another equally delectable variety is found in Pyrgos, and the locals refer to it by calling the apples "Pyrgiotika". Pyrgos is renowned for the quality and diversity of its cultivations. The village is exceptionally fertile, and anything you taste here will enchant you.
In addition to the above, apples are also produced in the villages of Panariti and Kallithea's upper district (Ano Kallithea).

Fatefully, we will once again about “divine” interventions. This time, we shall delve into the “nectar of the gods”, as the lotus is hailed in Japan. However, the lotus fruit also captivated the attention of Homer, who weaves tales of the land of the lotus-eaters in his Odyssey. According to the epic, certain of Odysseus' sailors disembarked there, and upon sampling the offered fruit, the lotus, they were ensnared, leaving their homelands and loved ones behind.
Could a similar enchantment befall you when you taste our lotus fruits? One bite will undoubtedly persuade you during your sojourn in the villages of Pyrgos, Rozena, Kallithea, and Chelydori.

Our region also produces incredibly delicious pears! Pears are renowned for their beneficial qualities and rich nutritional value. The reference to the Odyssey, where this popular fruit is called the “gift of the gods”, is no coincidence. Therefore, pears are unlikely to disappoint you, given that they come in different varieties, each with a unique flavor.
To get your hands on juicy and high-quality pears, reach out to producers from Pyrgos and Kallithea's upper district (Ano Kallithea).

Lemons and Oranges
Wherever you go, you will smell the scent of the crops that come from our neat orchards, and this unique ambiance owes much to our lemons and oranges. The entire coastal area holds a strong presence of citrus fruits, which grace family tables, and find their way to restaurants, local markets, skincare products, supermarkets, and sweet preserves (we call them "spoon sweets").
Lemons and oranges are literally everywhere, all across Xylokastro and Evrostini!

"You grow up like a fine wine," as our English-speaking friends say. Do you think they might have tried our wine and came up with this phrase? We're kidding, of course!
However, we're not kidding at all when it comes to the great quality and unique flavor produced by our vineyards. You'll find vineyards that yield exceptional wine in the upper district of Kallithea (Ano Kallithea), Sofiana, and other villages within our municipality. If you get your hands on a bottle, you must give it a try!

Our region is abundant with olive trees. Every village has olive groves, from which olive oil is produced, either for personal use or commercial purposes.
Consequently, our municipality boasts several olive presses that make sure for the production and the high-quality maintenance of the goods.

Our Municipality produces an abundance of nurseries, which our farmers take good care of, and grow with lots of love.
You can procure saplings in the villages of Kamari, Xylokastro, Kallithea, Pitsa, Loutrou, Karyotika, and Sykia.

Our region is home to some of the most delicious and sweetest grapes! The preeminence belongs, of course, to Zemeno. This village managed to transcend our national borders in terms of the sultanas' trade and even become a tourist magnet in the 1960s when the Typaldo's camps were still extremely popular in Xylokastro's pineforest, called "Pefkias". Today, you will also find fields with sultanas in Kallithea.

Cherished by those mindful of a healthy diet and the preservation of a robust digestive system, damsons grace our villages. You'll discover them in Chelydori, Pyrgos, and Rozena.

Animal Breeding
Our region also has livestock farming, albeit in small quantities; however, it does not lack exceptional quality. Small herds can be found in the upper district of Kallithea (Ano Kallithea), Gelini (Lagkadeika), Pyrgos, Trikala, Karya, and Sarantapekho.

Apricots and Mulberries
Lastly, here you'll find mulberries and apricots. The former are primarily grown in Rozena, while mulberry cultivations are mainly found in Loutro, Karyotika, and Lykoporia.